Calories Are Not All That Matter… Hormones Matter Too
/0 Comments/in SANE Science /by SANE2“The ‘classical theory’ that fat is deposited in the adipose tissue [body fat] only when given in excess of the caloric requirement is finally disproved.”– E. Wertheimer, in Physiological Reviews Calorie quality (SANEity) influences the hormones which control our set-point weight which controls the amount of fat we store. More simply, hormones play a […]
The Big Business of Bad Health and Failed Fat Loss
/1 Comment/in SANE Science /by SANE2“There is a lot of money being made…feeding both oversized stomachs and feeding those enterprises selling fixes for oversized stomachs…And both industries—those selling junk food and those selling fat cures—depend for their future on the prevalence of obesity.” – W. Weis, in the Academy of Health Care Management Journal We all know that Washington, […]